Planning a team building event for your org in Stockholm that's a delicious, unique and sustainable choice? Learn about how your company can make a difference, by creating and enjoying delicious food, together! 


We offer immersive food-based learning programmes for companies. Developed to drive positive impact on our planet and strengthen team engagement.

Trusted by

Our current food system is broken... 

And its impact on climate change, biodiversity loss, environmental degradation and disease has never been clearer. 

The good news? The most powerful way to make an impact is changing whats on your plate. Our mission is to raise awareness about the climate crisis and influence positive change through food.

What participants say about us!

"Thank you for tremendous knowledge, tasty experiences, and motivation to eat a more plant-based diet."

“The numbers in the quiz did it. The tastings where you give members of your community a platform to show their products is very strong.”

"It was a good event as the presenter did not shame people for eating meat and rather showed alternatives."